Recombinant proteins
Recombinant proteins are useful tools for analyzing biological interactions. A much larger number of recombinant proteins is used in the research laboratory, including both commercial proteins and those that are generated in the course-specific research projects. They play critical roles in many applications.
If you are looking for recombinants with excellent quality (validated bio-activity, lower endotoxin level and high purity) to support your research, you are in the right place. We are one of the finest recombinant proteins suppliers in India.
Over more than 12 years, Biochain has established five systems from prokaryotic to eukaryotic to express the recombinant protein. We own protein expression technology based on a series of protein expression and purification technologies, including protein expression technology shown by Baculovirus outer membrane proteins (OMP), membrane protein expression technology, etc.
Product Features- 500,000+recombinant proteins (2000+ ones in stock, 7000+ developed ones, 500,000+ semi-customized recombinant proteins) covering most genes/ targets;